June 20, 2009

How to create Notification Rules in OEM 10g


Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) 10g can send the Email Notifications to administrators when an alert is occurred. Alerts are notifications when particular metrics thresholds are crossed. For example, when a tablespace becomes 97 percent full this can be considered undesirable and have Oracle to generate a critical alert.

Notification Rules are defined sets of alerts on metrics. Metrics are automatically applied to a target when it is discovered by Enterprise Manager.

Enterprise Manager provides a series of default rules. We can modify these default rules or we can create the new rules to monitor only specific metrics for specific targets.

Here I am going to explain “How to create a Notification rule in OEM 10g”.

Please click the below link for Oracle document that explains “How to set up Email Notifications for alerts in OEM”. This setup involves mail server, user accounts and email account configuration in OEM.

Steps to create a Notification Rule in OEM 10g:

Step 1:

Open OEM console and click “Preferences” link at top-right corner.

Step 2:
Click on “Rules” link on left hand side.

Step 3:
Click on “Create” button on top.

Step 4:

Enter Rule Name, Description and target type that needs to be monitored (e.g. Database Instance).

Select Make Public if you want to allow other administrators to subscribe to this rule.

Select option:
“Apply rule to all Database Instance Targets” if you want to monitor all the registered database instances in OEM with this rule.
“Apply rule to specified Database Instance Targets” if you want to monitor only specific Database Instances. On selecting this option a button with label as “Add” will appear on screen. Click on “Add” button to select specific database instances.

After completing configurations in “General” tab, the screen looks as below:

Step 5:
Similar to Step 4, configure the Availability, Metrics, Policies and Jobs pages.

Step 6:
Click on the last tab “Methods”.
This page displays the E-Mail Notification Method and other available notification methods setup in OEM.
Select the option “Send Me E-mail”
If you select option “Send Repeat notifications for E-mail”, OEM can send E-mail notifications repeatedly for all metric alerts and availability states.

Step 7:
Click “OK”.
The new Notification rule is created. It can be seen in rules list.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I'm searching new notifications recommended by oracle. Do you know any page with this recommendation? Thanks.

