February 27, 2010

Network Requirements for RAC

Hi Friends, hope you are doing well.
Recently I learnt some more things while installing 2 nodes RAC environment.

After installation of RAC environment I could notice that the VIP was turning into OFFLINE status frequently and sometimes it fails over on another node.

I could find that VIP keeps restarting if “Default gateway” and VIP are in different subnet. Then I set the subnet for default gateway same as VIP which resolved the issue.

I have listed below the Network Hardware/IP Address requirements for RAC setup:

Network Hardware/IP Address requirements for RAC setup

  • At least two network interface cards or network adapters needed for each node in RAC grid. One adapter is for the public network and the other adapter is for the private network
  • Make sure network interfaces have the same name on all nodes
  • At least three IP addresses needed for each node
    1. An IP address for the public interface
    2. An IP address for the private interface
    3. A Virtual IP address with an associated network name
  • The VIP should be on the same subnet as your public interface and its address will be not be used currently in the network
  • For public and virtual addresses register with an associated network name in DNS.
    If you do not have an available DNS, then record the all network names and interface names in the system hosts file (/etc/hosts)
  • Ensure the Default gateway is on the same subnet as the VIP. Otherwise this can cause the VIP and listener to keep restarting

Hope this blog will provide you some information about Network requirements for RAC setup.